We are Different?
We are getting a lot of queries for admission to our BBA program. One of the frequently asked question is, "Can I get through without giving the enterance test?" or "Are there paid seats?" The answer here is thankfully no. We are not at all a big place and our AICTE approval process has been taking ages and ages without any sign of where it is going but I am happy about the answer(s) I can give.
reservations as well?
That's nice that you can do it without paid seats and nt have people circumvent entrance exams.
We are private, so no reservations as such.
Jay, it is a norm in the smaller private sector institutions, so I feel really happy that this small place insists on not having paid seats.
Camel, thanks a lot for your update, I agree, it will result in handsome revenues, no doubt.
Oh! Camelpost, I thought you have a blog! But I see that you just have a blogger account. Is it that you blog at some other place?
Fair enough, Camel.
Camel, I know about ISB. You have a lot of knowledge about AITCE, any idea why they cracked their whip on Amity? I mean so many others go scot free.
Camelpost, that is a a lot of information, thanks.
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